Posts tagged Ronald Reagan
Trump's Capitol putsch was years in the making
If government is perceived as the enemy, it’s only a matter of time before people try to overthrow it
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Ted CoxDonald Trump, Trump Putsch, U.S. Capitol Assault, Ronald Reagan, Bruce Rauner, Fair Tax Amendment, Illinois Succession, COVID-19, Coronavirus Pandemic, Grover Norquist, Adolf Hitler, Mary Miller, World Wrestling Entertainment, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Mike Bost, Scott Walker, Ken Griffin, Richard Uihlein, Joe Biden
Barbara Flynn Currie backs expanded EITC
Longtime General Assembly reformer writes op-ed targeting ‘effective tool in the battle against poverty’
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Ted CoxReverse Income Tax, Earned Income Tax Credit, Earned Income Credit, Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit, Barbara Flynn Currie, Richard Nixon, Milton Friedman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, MAP Grants, Family Caregivers, Dick Durbin, Ram Villivalam, Economic Security for Illinois
GDP rebounds, but economy still hurting
Unemployment claims remain above pre-COVID record and on the increase in Illinois
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Ted CoxU.S. Gross Domestic Product, U.S. Unemployment, Illinois Unemployment, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Labor, Ronald Reagan, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, Bank of America, Michelle Meyer
Daily Debunk: 'Starve the beast'
State gov’t is not an animal, but a wide-ranging, complex service that needs to be maintained to do its job for the people
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Ted CoxDaily Debunk, Starve the Beast, Mississippi Palisades State Park, Ronald Reagan, Bruce Rauner, J.B. Pritzker, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Fair Tax Amendment, David Borris, Pat Wemstrom, Chuck Wemstrom
Daily Debunk: Trickle-down economics
It’s never worked, it’s responsible for decades of increasing income inequality, and it’s no excuse not to raise taxes on the wealthy
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Ted CoxTrickle-Down Theory, Trickle-Down Economics, Ronald Reagan, Arthur Laffer, Laffer Curve, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Donald Trump, Trump Tax Cuts, Preston Sturges, William Jennings Bryan, Will Rogers, John Kenneth Galbraith
Casten, Ives, Redpath clash on climate change, COVID relief
In online debate, incumbent congressman ties Ives to Trump
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Ted Cox6th Congressional District, League of Women Voters of Illinois, Sean Casten, Jeanne Ives, Bill Redpath, Climate Change, Global Warming, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19 Relief, CARES Act, Heroes Act, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, Donald Trump, John Lewis, Kim Foxx, Ronald Reagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
If you don't hear the dog whistle, dogs do
Trib columnist’s anti-Semitism is deliberate and intentional, just like Trump’s racism
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Ted CoxDog Whistles, Anti-Semitism, Donald Trump, John Kass, Steve Chapman, Mike Royko, George Soros, Invisible Hand, Law and Order, Kim Foxx, Aviya Kushner, Chicago Tribune Guild, Matt Martin, Social Justice Warriors, Richard Nixon, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, War on Drugs, Welfare Queens, Silent Majority, Jane Byrne, Harold Washington, Gary Rivlin, Lori Lightfoot, Lauren Underwood, Sean Casten, Bruce Rauner, Racist Politics, Trump Racist, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute
The makers are the takers
When it comes to tax policy, the wealthy make the political rules and pocket the spoils
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Ted CoxU.S. Tax Policy, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Cindy Neal, National Federation of Independent Business, J.B. Pritzker, Fair Tax Amendment, Ronald Reagan, Trump Tax Cuts, U.S. House Committee on the Budget, The Triumph of Injustice, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Cal Berekeley, CARES Act, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Stimulus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Paycheck Protection Program, Associated Press
Unemployment claims double last week's record: 6.6 million
Job losses spread from service industries to retail, manufacturing
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COVID-19 unemployment claims bust old record
Almost 3.3 million U.S. workers filed for unemployment last week, blasting past the old record of 700,000 set in 1982
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Stimulus, Illinois Coronavirus, U.S. Unemployment, U.S. Department of Labor, J.B. Pritzker, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Eugene Scalia, IDES
EPA workers demand Bill of Rights
‘The Trump administration has declared war on the EPA and its workers,’ says union leader Nicole Cantello
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Ted CoxDonald Trump, EPA, EPA Region 5, Nicole Cantello, AFGE Local 704, EPA Workers' Bill of Rights, Felicia Chase, Andrew Wheeler, Cathy Stepp, Brian Urbaszewski, Respiratory Health Association, Loreen Targos, Ronald Reagan, Scott Walker, Jack Darin, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Illinois Environmental Council
Money for nothing produces exit to poverty
Aisha Nyandoro’s pilot program Magnolia Mother’s Trust gives $1,000 a month to 20 Mississippi moms
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Ted CoxAisha Nyandoro, Magnolia Mother's Trust, Ameya Pawar, Springboard to Opportunities, Economic Security for Illinois, Ronald Reagan, Andrew Yang, Universal Basic Income, UBI, Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Resilient Families Task Force
Pritzker appoints LaHood to head Lincoln Library
Former Republican congressman chosen to smooth over turmoil
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Ted CoxJ.B. Pritzker, Ray LaHood, Bruce Rauner, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library, Darin LaHood, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, Alan Lowe, George W. Bush, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Joan Brodsky, Gary Johnson, Eunice Santos, Kathryn Harris, John Symon, Blair Kamin, Steve Neal
School funding remains top education issue, says poll
IEA President Kathi Griffin says Pritzker fair tax is long-term solution
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Ted CoxPDK Poll, Education Funding, Education, Education Week, IEA, Kathi Griffin, Evidence-Based School Funding, Illinois Education Funding, Illinois Education, J.B. Pritzker, Ronald Reagan, Economic Policy Institute, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax
Why can't a Democrat be more like a Republican?
At least when it comes to crafting — and sticking to — a compelling narrative on taxes
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Ted CoxIllinois Policy Institute, IPI, J.B. Pritzker, Bernie Sanders, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Bruce Rauner, Richard Uihlein, Grover Norquist, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Better Government Association, BGA
How was Ill. first on MLK holiday? Washington did it
Future Chicago mayor lobbied in 1973 to make the Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday a state holiday
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Ted CoxMartin Luther King, Harold Washington, Richard Ogilvie, Dan Walker, Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King Day, MLK Holiday, Gary Rivlin, Edward Burke, Patrick O'Connor, Council Wars
This vote is easy
In bicentennial election on greatest Illinois leader, debate starts after Lincoln
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Ted CoxAbraham Lincoln, REO Speedwagon, Miles Davis, Benny Goodman, Alison Krauss, Lydia Moss Bradley, Betty Friedan, Jane Addams, Michelle Obama, Ida B. Wells, Mother Jones, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Black Hawk, Keokuk, Harold Washington, Ulysses Grant, Ronald Reagan, Stephen Douglas, Everett Dirksen, Adlai Stevenson II, William Jennings Bryan, Richard J. Daley, Jesse Jackson
Trumpaganda: Class in session
University of Illinois to launch eight-week course on Trump’s use of Twitter, attacks on ‘fake news’
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Ted CoxDonald Trump, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Daily Illini, Mira Sotirovic, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Barack Obama, Stephanie Craft
All in the political family
The Rauners might have parted ways with the IPI and Dan Proft, but they all continue to spread lies for political gain
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