Posts tagged Trump Tax Cuts
Daily Debunk: Trickle-down economics
It’s never worked, it’s responsible for decades of increasing income inequality, and it’s no excuse not to raise taxes on the wealthy
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Ted CoxTrickle-Down Theory, Trickle-Down Economics, Ronald Reagan, Arthur Laffer, Laffer Curve, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Donald Trump, Trump Tax Cuts, Preston Sturges, William Jennings Bryan, Will Rogers, John Kenneth Galbraith
The makers are the takers
When it comes to tax policy, the wealthy make the political rules and pocket the spoils
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Ted CoxU.S. Tax Policy, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Cindy Neal, National Federation of Independent Business, J.B. Pritzker, Fair Tax Amendment, Ronald Reagan, Trump Tax Cuts, U.S. House Committee on the Budget, The Triumph of Injustice, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Cal Berekeley, CARES Act, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Stimulus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Paycheck Protection Program, Associated Press
91 Fortune 500 firms paid no 2018 U.S. taxes
List includes Deere, U.S. Steel, FedEx, Chevron, Netflix, GM, Starbucks, Amazon
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Ted CoxU.S. Budget Deficit, Fortune 500, Donald Trump, Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, U.S. Corporate Tax Rate, Trump Tax Cuts, Deere, U.S. Steel, FedEx, Chevron, Netflix, General Motors, Starbucks, Amazon