Posts tagged Edward Burke
How Chicago got its groove back
Exit interview: Rahm touts ‘restored sense of confidence’ at final City Club appearance as mayor
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Chicago election post mortem: In battle of progressives, reformer won
It was Lightfoot’s ‘reform vs. experience,’ says Dick Simpson, and ‘the voters weren’t buying it’ from Preckwinkle
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Ted CoxLori Lightfoot, Toni Preckwinkle, Dick Simpson, Constance Mixon, Melissa Mouritsen, Chicago Mayor Election 2019, University of Illinois at Chicago, Elmhurst College, College of DuPage, Bill Daley, Edward Burke, Joe Berrios, Rahm Emanuel, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Susana Mendoza
Corruption down in Illinois, Chicago
But new study finds it remains a problem, with Chicago the most corrupt big city and Illinois ranking third in the U.S.
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Chi. commission rubber-stamps Lincoln Yards
Public comment dominated by opponents, but planning panel votes unanimously 10-0 to approve
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Ted CoxBrian Hopkins, Michele Smith, Scott Waguespack, Lincoln Yards, Sterling Bay, Andrea Tolzmann, Raise Your Hand, Raise Your Hand Action, Tom Tresser, TIF Illumination Project, Juanita Irizarry, Friends of the Parks, Amisha Patel, Grassroots Collaborative, Edward Burke, Danny Solis, Tim Tuten, Katie Tuten, Hideout Chicago, Beat Kitchen, Subterranean, CIVL, Peter Landon, Chicago Affordable Housing, Walter Burnett
How was Ill. first on MLK holiday? Washington did it
Future Chicago mayor lobbied in 1973 to make the Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday a state holiday
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Ted CoxMartin Luther King, Harold Washington, Richard Ogilvie, Dan Walker, Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King Day, MLK Holiday, Gary Rivlin, Edward Burke, Patrick O'Connor, Council Wars