Lightfoot: COVID compromise 'unacceptable'
Chicago mayor blasts ‘heartless’ McConnell in pursuit of relief for cities, states
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Lori Lightfoot, Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, Heroes Act, CARES Act, Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, J.B. Pritzker, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, Paycheck Protection Program
It's no time to go low
Sen. Durbin holds out hope for aid to state and local gov’ts, but compromise relief bill is just a stopgap
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, Coronavirus Stimulus, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Dick Durbin, Mitch McConnell, Heroes Act, CARES Act, Federal Reserve, Municipal Liquidity Facility, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Rand Paul
Job advocates call for ambitious COVID relief
Coalition of workforce, community groups seeks cash stimulus, unemployment extension, expansion of food stamps
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, Coronavirus Stimulus, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois Coronavirus, Illinois COVID-19, Mari Castaldi, Chicago Jobs Council, Chicago Citywide Literacy Coalition, Chicago Community Loan Fund, Chicago Mayor's Office for People With Disabilities, Economic Security for Illinois, Heartland Alliance, Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, Women Employed, YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago, CARES Act, Heroes Act, J.B. Pritzker, Restaurants Act, Illinois Working Families, Food Stamps, SNAP Benefits
Revs. Jackson, Pfleger back Infinity COVID strike
SEIU chief negotiator says union has granted concessions on pay, with more talks set for Thursday
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, COVID-19, Jesse Jackson, Michael Pfleger, SEIU Healthcare Illinois, Tavis Grant, Infinity Nursing Homes, Infinity Nursing Home Strike, Infinity Health Care, Carl White Jr., Victory Christian International Ministries, Lakeview Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, Shaba Andrich, Kelli Beard, Holy Covenant United Methodist Church, CARES Act, Marilyn Pagan-Banks, San Mucas United Church of Christ, J.B. Pritzker, Robert Jones, Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Greg Kelley
COVID economic collapse felt across state
Illinois leads national increase in newly filed claims for unemployment
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Unemployment, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois Coronavirus, Illinois COVID-19, U.S. Unemployment, Illinois Unemployment, U.S. Department of Labor, IDES, J.B. Pritzker, Dan Hynes, CARES Act
Poverty, hunger on the rise
Study blames end of $1,200 stimulus payments, extra $600 for unemployment in COVID relief
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, Coronavirus Stimulus, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, U.S. Poverty, U.S. Hunger, U.S. Census Bureau, Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago, James Sullivan, University of Notre Dame, Jeehoon Han, Zhejiang University, CARES Act, Heroes Act, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment, Joe Biden, Jeremy Everett, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty
Driving out payday lenders
Secretary of State offices seem made to order to provide much-needed banking services
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Ted CoxEarned Income Tax Credit, Public Banking, Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois Driver's License Facilities, FDIC, CARES Act, Payday Lenders, U.S. Postal Service, Department of Homeland Security, Mehrsa Baradaran, J.B. Pritzker
COVID 'stimulus' less than stimulating
Survey finds most of $1,200 payments went into savings and to pay down debt
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, Coronavirus Stimulus, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, CARES Act, National Bureau of Economic Research, Heroes Act, Donald Trump, Amy Coney Barrett, COVID Unemployment
Pritzker holds out hope for COVID relief
Drug-addled Trump throws negotiations with Congress into ‘disarray,’ says governor
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, J.B. Pritzker, Donald Trump, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Mitch McConnell, Amy Coney Barrett, Paycheck Protection Program, Heroes Act, CARES Act, Steve Mnuchin, Dexamethasone, Nancy Pelosi, Ron DeSantis, Red Wedding, Game of Thrones
Londrigan, Davis clash over health care
Congressman claims bipartisanship while acting as co-chairman of state Trump campaign
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Ted CoxRodney Davis, Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, Donald Trump, CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program, Nancy Pelosi, Trump Taxes, Michael Madigan, ComEd, ComEd Bribery, Exelon, Abortion Rights, Illinois Abortion Rights, Fair Tax Amendment, Future Energy Jobs Act
Casten, Ives, Redpath clash on climate change, COVID relief
In online debate, incumbent congressman ties Ives to Trump
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Ted Cox6th Congressional District, League of Women Voters of Illinois, Sean Casten, Jeanne Ives, Bill Redpath, Climate Change, Global Warming, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19 Relief, CARES Act, Heroes Act, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, Donald Trump, John Lewis, Kim Foxx, Ronald Reagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Child care in need of more COVID relief: Pritzker
Governor renews commitment to to make Illinois top state in nation for young children
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois Coronavirus, Illinois COVID-19, Illinois COVID-19 Toll, Illinois Child Care, Illinois Working Families, Illinois Day Care, Christian Child Care, CARES Act
Economists cite need for state, local COVID relief
Police, fire, teachers are not only essential workers, they bolster economy and spur recovery
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Ted CoxCARES Act, Heroes Act, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois Coronavirus, Illinois COVID-19, Economic Policy Institute, Heather Long, Mitch McConnell, Bernie Sanders, Dick Durbin, Glenn Hubbard, Josh Bivens, Jason Furman, Mark Zandi, Moody's Analytics
Economic recovery depends on COVID recovery
Without federal coronavirus relief, gov’t austerity layoffs could ‘drag down the economy’ in a ‘vicious cycle’
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois Coronavirus, Illinois COVID-19, University of Illinois at Chicago, Daniel La Spata, David Merriman, Michael Pagano, UIC CUPPA, CARES Act, Heroes Act, Amanda Kass, Mitch McConnell, Municipal Liquidity Facility
Where will cities, states find COVID relief?
The federal government is the only source of economic aid, so why is the Federal Reserve charging penalties for critical funding?
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois COVID-19, Lori Lightfoot, J.B. Pritzker, Laurence Msall, Civic Federation, Heroes Act, CARES Act, Federal Reserve, Municipal Liquidity Facility, Amanda Kass, Martin Luther King, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Countercyclical aid: Common sense
RTA, CTA, Metra, Pace plead for COVID-19 relief, illustrating the need of state and local governments in an economic crisis
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, RTA, CTA, Metra, Pace, Countercyclical Aid, CARES Act, Heroes Act, Donald Trump, Federal Reserve, Municipal Liquidity Facility, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Jerrold Nadler, Andrew Yang, Mitch McConnell
No evidence $600 kept workers on dole
Yale study finds idled workers receiving expanded benefits were sometimes quicker to return to jobs
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Don't tell us there's no money for states
Local governments need $555B, but businesses have already gotten $1.9T in coronavirus relief
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, Illinois COVID-19, Donald Trump, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, U.S. Unemployment, Illinois Unemployment, Illinois Economic Policy Institute, IDES, J.B. Pritzker, Heroes Act, CARES Act, Rand Paul, Rick Scott
Duckworth leads call for paid sick leave in pandemic
NEA prez says any school could become a ‘germ factory’
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Ted CoxPaid Family Leave, Paid Sick Leave, Child Care, Working Families, Tammy Duckworth, National Education Association, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Rosa DeLauro, Patty Murray, Kirsten Gillibrand, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, CARES Act, Heroes Act, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump
Jobless claims rise for first time since March
Another 1.4M file for benefits; Illinois claims drop, but increase for gig workers amid national fraud scam
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Ted CoxU.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Unemployment, Illinois Unemployment, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19, COVID-19 Relief, CARES Act, IDES, J.B. Pritzker, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, U.S. Census Bureau