If you don't hear the dog whistle, dogs do
Trib columnist’s anti-Semitism is deliberate and intentional, just like Trump’s racism
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Ted CoxDog Whistles, Anti-Semitism, Donald Trump, John Kass, Steve Chapman, Mike Royko, George Soros, Invisible Hand, Law and Order, Kim Foxx, Aviya Kushner, Chicago Tribune Guild, Matt Martin, Social Justice Warriors, Richard Nixon, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, War on Drugs, Welfare Queens, Silent Majority, Jane Byrne, Harold Washington, Gary Rivlin, Lori Lightfoot, Lauren Underwood, Sean Casten, Bruce Rauner, Racist Politics, Trump Racist, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute
Chicago declares climate emergency
City Council unanimously approves resolution urging immediate action
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Chicago nears declaring climate emergency
Aldermen call for joint effort between city, county, state, federal government
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Ted CoxCEJA, Climate Emergency, Ann Williams, George Cardenas, Matt Martin, Chicago City Council, Daniel La Spata, Bridget Degnen, Tom Balanoff, SEIU Local 1, Brendan Reilly, J.B. Pritzker, Lori Lightfoot, Jacky Grimshaw, Center for Neighborhood Technology
Threatened ICE raids breed fear, sap economy
Chicago aldermen join to protect communities, decry ‘political calculation by a failed racist president’
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Ted CoxDonald Trump, Trump Immigration, ICE Raids, ICE, Trump ICE Raids, Trump Racist, Michael Rodriguez, Rossana Rodriguez, Andres Vazquez, Matt Martin, Alex Han, SEIU Healthcare Illinois, Byron Sigcho-Lopez, ICIRR