Posts tagged Stephen Douglas
This vote is easy
In bicentennial election on greatest Illinois leader, debate starts after Lincoln
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Ted CoxAbraham Lincoln, REO Speedwagon, Miles Davis, Benny Goodman, Alison Krauss, Lydia Moss Bradley, Betty Friedan, Jane Addams, Michelle Obama, Ida B. Wells, Mother Jones, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Black Hawk, Keokuk, Harold Washington, Ulysses Grant, Ronald Reagan, Stephen Douglas, Everett Dirksen, Adlai Stevenson II, William Jennings Bryan, Richard J. Daley, Jesse Jackson
The right side of history: Galesburg
Site of pivotal Lincoln-Douglas debate was also a key stop on the Underground Railroad
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Ted CoxAbraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Slavery, Civil War, Underground Railroad, Knox College, Galesburg, Owen Muelder, S.S. McClure, Edgar Lee Masters, Eugene Field, Don Marquis, George Herriman, Krazy Kat, Owen Lovejoy, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, Spoon River Anthology, Carl Sandburg, Lombard College