Posts tagged Illinois House Progressive Caucus
Rep. Mah: Springfield partisan divide exaggerated, but not on taxes
Fair Tax failure could lead to tax hike combined with new exemptions
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Ted CoxTheresa Mah, Illinois Political Divide, Urban vs. Rural, Fair Tax Amendment, Illinois House Progressive Caucus, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, Southern Illinois University, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, COVID-19 Relief, Coronavirus Relief, Earned Income Tax Credit, Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community, Tammy Duckworth, Pat Quinn, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Illinois Farm Bureau, Adopt-a-Legislator
Anti-protest energy bill stalls in Senate
Environmentalists cheer victory over measure that would have turned protest offenses into felonies
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Ted CoxMichael Hastings, Jack Darin, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Rich Miller, Capitol Fax, Greenpeace, Annie Leonard, Tabitha Tripp, Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment, Elizabeth Kosuth, Illinois People's Action, Illinois House Progressive Caucus
Social services seek infrastructure
Rep. Guzzardi joins housing advocates in saying $1B of capital bill should be allocated to affordable units
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Ted CoxIllinois House Progressive Caucus, Illinois Boys & Girls Clubs, Carol Ammons, Sam Banks, Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club, Bethalto Boys & Girls Club, Cathleen Wilson, Monica Bristow, Heather O'Donnell, Thresholds, Will Guzzardi, Illinois Capital Bill, Illinois Infrastructure, Illinois Working Families
House Progressive Caucus calls for Reproductive Health Act
In face of new abortion laws, ‘Illinois must respond in kind with equal energy behind defending reproductive freedom,’ says Rep. Cassidy
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Ted CoxKelly Cassidy, Illinois Reproductive Rights, Reproductive Rights Act, Illinois Abortion Rights, Illinois House Progressive Caucus, National Organization for Women, Sue Purrington, Carol Ammons, Theresa Mah, Will Guzzardi, Michael Madigan, Illinois Capital Bill
Environmental activists rip bill meant to 'intimidate' energy protests
‘It really should be called the Protect Big Energy From the People Bill’
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Ted CoxTabitha Tripp, Cary Shepherd, Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment, Illinois Environmental Council, Elizabeth Kosuth, Illinois People's Action, Illinois House Progressive Caucus, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Kylah Johnston, People's Lobby, Taylor Blevons, Greenpeace, Illinois Environmental Protests, Free Speech, First Amendment
Progressives rip 'giveaway' on estate tax
House Dems say attempt at compromise defeats intent of Gov. Pritzker’s ‘fair tax’
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Ted CoxWill Guzzardi, Carol Ammons, Theresa Mah, John Cullerton, Chuck Weaver, Bill Brady, Illinois House Progressive Caucus, Pritzker Fair Tax, J.B. Pritzker, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Illinois Estate Tax, Elgie Sims, Heather Steans, Delia Ramirez
Jail protesters for felony trespassing?
Sierra Club, House Progressive Caucus rip bill that would have ‘chilling effect on free speech’
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Ted CoxWill Guzzardi, Delia Ramirez, Carol Ammons, Jack Darin, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment, Illinois House Progressive Caucus, Legal Marijuana, Illinois Marijuana Legalization, ACLU, NAACP, Kelly Cassidy
New Progressive Caucus sets agenda
Reps. in House check off minimum wage, set sights on pot legalization, campaign finances
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Ted CoxWill Guzzardi, Theresa Mah, Carol Ammons, Kelly Cassidy, Greg Harris, Sara Feigenholtz, Robyn Gabel, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Rob Martwick, Joyce Mason, Anna Moeller, Aaron Ortiz, Lamont Robinson, Anne Stava-Murray, Maurice West, Illinois House Progressive Caucus