Anti-protest energy bill stalls in Senate
Environmentalists cheer victory over measure that would have turned protest offenses into felonies
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Ted CoxMichael Hastings, Jack Darin, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Rich Miller, Capitol Fax, Greenpeace, Annie Leonard, Tabitha Tripp, Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment, Elizabeth Kosuth, Illinois People's Action, Illinois House Progressive Caucus
Environmental activists rip bill meant to 'intimidate' energy protests
‘It really should be called the Protect Big Energy From the People Bill’
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Ted CoxTabitha Tripp, Cary Shepherd, Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment, Illinois Environmental Council, Elizabeth Kosuth, Illinois People's Action, Illinois House Progressive Caucus, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Kylah Johnston, People's Lobby, Taylor Blevons, Greenpeace, Illinois Environmental Protests, Free Speech, First Amendment