First COVID vaccines delivered
Pritzker oversees arrival, declares ‘beginning of the end of this pandemic’
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Illinois Coronavirus, COVID-19, Illinois COVID-19, Pfizer, Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, J.B. Pritzker, Illinois Strategic National Stockpile, Illinois Emergency Management Agency, Alicia Tate-Nadeau
Vax or mask: Cover up until you sleeve up
COVID vaccine goes to health-care workers first, while everyone else needs to observe 3 W’s
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, Illinois Coronavirus, COVID-19, Illinois COVID-19, Illinois COVID-19 Toll, Illinois COVID-19 Testing, J.B. Pritzker, Ngozi Ezike, Pfizer, U.S. FDA
Pritzker lays out COVID vaccine plan
Health-care workers, long-term-care residents to get shots first, with focus on 50 counties with top death rates
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Ted CoxCoronavirus, COVID-19, COVID-19 Testing, COVID-19 Vaccine, Pfizer, Moderna, Illinois Coronavirus, Illinois COVID-19, Illinois COVID-19 Toll, Illinois COVID-19 Testing, J.B. Pritzker, Ngozi Ezike, FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Illinois Department of Public Health, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama