Posts tagged Illinois Sunshine
Reform for Illinois cheers election process
But more reforms necessary, says ED Alisa Kaplan, and wider ballot access granted in pandemic may not stick
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Ted CoxReform for Illinois, Alisa Kaplan, 2020 Election, 2020 Illinois Election, COVID-19, Vote By Mail, Illinois Ballot Access, Kanye West, Illinois Sunshine, Illinois Campaign Financing, Better Government Association, BGA, Rod Blagojevich, Michael Madigan, Jim Durkin, Bill Brady, Thomas Kilbride, Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, Rodney Davis, Gerrymandering
The headless horseman of Illinois politics
Ghost of Bruce Rauner’s austerity agenda rose up, financed by Ken Griffin, and rode roughshod over the state, but how did it sway voters?
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Ted CoxHeadless Horseman, Bruce Rauner, Kenneth Griffin, Richard Uihlein, University of Illinois at Chicago, Christopher Mooney, Thomas Kilbride, 2020 Presidential Election, Illinois Fair Tax, Illinois Graduated Income Tax, Illinois Progressive Income Tax, Fair Tax Amendment, Citizens for Judicial Fairness, Illinois Sunshine, J.B. Pritzker, Municipal Liquidity Facility, Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, Coronavirus Relief, COVID-19 Relief, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Donald Trump
Reform for Illinois: New name, same great organization
Progressive group builds on its Illinois Sunshine initiative on campaign contributions to revive statewide interest in democracy
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Ted CoxReform for Illinois, Illinois Sunshine, Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, Paul Simon, Bob Kustra, Mary Miro, Cynthia Canary, David Melton, Illinois State Board of Elections, Campaign Contributions, Donald Trump, Gerrymandering, Ballot Access, Chicago Municipal Election, Michael Bloomberg, Me Too, Sexual Harassment, Melinda Bush, Carol Ammons, Susana Mendoza, McCain-Feingold, Citizens United
Most expensive governor race in U.S. history?
Illinois candidates raised the most, but still had cash on hand at the end
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Follow the money — down the drain
Liberty Principles PAC spent big on losers in election
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Ted CoxDan Proft, Daughters of Destiny, Liberty Principles, Save Your Home Now, Illinois Sunshine, Illinois State Board of Elections, Peter Breen, Marilyn Smolenski, Ammie Kessem, Dwight Kay, Jay Kinzler, Ken Idstein, Tonia Khouri, Jason Plummer, Mark Batinick, Dan Ugaste, Craig Wilcox, Dan Caulkins, John Cabello, Tom Morrison