Income inequality: How much of a problem?
As stock prices rise and wages stagnate, AOC says that’s ‘inequality in a nutshell’
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AG Raoul defends state from Trump
Attorney general confronts feds on immigration, reproductive health, Obamacare, census, environment, EtO
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Ted CoxDonald Trump, Kwame Raoul, Obamacare, ACA, Affordable Care Act, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights, Immigration, Ethylene Oxide, Sterigenics, U.S. Census, 2020 U.S. Census, Vaping, Teen Vaping, Illinois Opioid Epidemic, Opioid Crisis, Gun Control, Gun Laws, Gun Violence, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Gun violence is a public-health issue
Congressional subcommittee meets on Chicago’s South Side, hears calls to research root causes of gun crimes
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Ted CoxGun Control, Chicago Gun Violence, Gun Violence, Bobby Rush, Kenndy-King College, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce, Anna Eshoo, Selwyn Rogers Jr., Danny Davis, NRA, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Niva Lubin-Johnson, Robin Kelly, Ronald Stewart, Jan Schakowsky, G.K. Butterfield, Spencer Leak Sr., Norman Kerr, Brenda Mitchell, Yvette Clarke, Gabby Giffords, Steve Scalise, Donald Trump, Adam Kinzinger
Lightfoot blasts Sen. Cruz on gun control
Chicago mayor blames violence on guns ‘from states dominated by coward Republicans like you’
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Ted CoxGun Control, Chicago Gun Violence, U.S. Gun Control, Illinois Gun Control, Illinois Gun Laws, Lori Lightfoot, Ted Cruz, Sean Casten, Rahm Emanuel, Garry McCarthy, Greg Abbott
Kinzinger moves to break gun-control impasse
‘Both sides are right, and both sides are wrong,’ says GOP congressman
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Congressional Dems lead House votes on gun control
Background checks, extended reviews clear House, largely on party lines
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Individualists unite! New video
Progressive groups join together under an agenda of interrelated issues they say are ‘overwhelmingly popular with the broader electorate’
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Ted CoxForward Illinois, Jack Darin, Sierra Club, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, Jennifer Welch, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, Yolanda Piper, SEIU, Mike Ziri, Equality Illinois, Bindu Poroori, ICIRR, Zach Koutsky, UFCW Local 881, Mark Walsh, Illinois Council Agains Handgun Violence, William McNary, Citizen Action Illinois, Working Families, Health Care, Minimum Wage, Unions, Gun Control, Illinois Gun Control, Immigration, Immigrants
Pritzker, Rauner clash in debate
McCann, Jackson elbow way into donnybrook, but incumbent and top challenger hold spotlight
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Ted CoxIllinois Governor Race, Bruce Rauner, J.B. Pritzker, Sam McCann, Grayson "Kash" Jackson, Working Families, Illinois Working Families, Gun Control, Education Funding, Illinois Education, Progressive Income Tax, Illinois Taxes
The tipping point
NIU shooting victim Patrick Korellis says that, as survivors unite in ever greater numbers, they may finally compel change on gun control
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Ted CoxPatrick Korellis, Dick Durbin, Ameya Pawar, Mass Shootings, Columbine, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Douglas High School, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, NIU Shooting, NRA, Gun Control, Gun Laws