Posts tagged Guaranteed Income
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
How do we get from here to there? The Just Transition Fund and guaranteed income offer answers.
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Ted CoxClimate Jobs Illinois, Just Transition Fund, Clean Energy Jobs Act, CEJA, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Coronavirus Stimulus, COVID-19 Economic Collapse, Public Banking, Guaranteed Income
Mayors back Universal Basic Income
Mayors for a Guaranteed Income send letter urging ‘a policy solution that is as bold as it is innovative and as simple as it is ambitious’
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Ted CoxUniversal Basic Income, Guaranteed Income, Martin Luther King, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, Michael Tubbs, UBI, Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, Chokwe Antar Lumumba, Aisha Nyandoro, Magnolia Mother's Trust, Springboard to Opportunities, Eric Garcetti, Melvin Carter, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Aja Brown, Ras Baraka, Earned Income Tax Credit, Andrew Yang, Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID-19 Disparities