Posts tagged American Lung Association
Teen smokers get a butt-kicking
20-year-olds, too, as Gov. Pritzker signs law raising smoking age to 21
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Ted CoxJ.B. Pritzker, Rahm Emanuel, John Cullerton, Camille Lilly, Julie Morrison, Shana Crews, Kathy Drea, Julie Mirostaw, Matt Maloney, Illinois Smoking Age, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, Respiratory Health Association, Mile Square Club, Tobacco 21
Annual smoking report kicks Illinois in the butts
State gets failing grades almost across board on issues including raising the smoking age to 21
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Ted CoxAmerican Lung Association, Illinois Smoking Age, Chicago Smoking Age, State of Tobacco Control, Donald Trump, Bruce Rauner, J.B. Pritzker, E-cigarettes, Harold Wimmer, Kathy Drea